Please find the cancellation policy of Explore Rwanda Tours below.


If you have any complaint, it should be reported immediately to the Safari Manager and the supplier. They will do their best to help you. If you are not satisfied, you should submit a written report to the Manager/Supplier as soon as possible after the incident and it should not be later than 30 days after completion of your holiday/safari/tour. This will allow us to investigate fully. Unfortunately, we can not accept any complaint not notified in accordance with this procedure.


Should you be forced to call off the safari, you must inform us in writing. A cancellation is inefficient until we get a copy of your written notice. In order to cover our estimated loss caused by your cancellation and as we may be unable to resell your holiday, cancellation fees, will be charged per person as follows:

*Period before departure Cancellation charge (as percentage of total Tour price paid where applicable)

60 days or more prior to arrival full refund
59 – 32 days prior to arrival 25% charge
31 – 8 days prior to arrival 50% charge
7 – 3 days prior to arrival 75% charge
2days or less prior to arrival 100% charge

*Otherwise, should you decide to terminate your safari when it has already started and you do not allow us time to rectify your cause, there is absolutely no refund.


Irregularly we have to cancel confirmed bookings. We always try to avoid canceling, but we must reserve the right to do so. We shall not cancel your confirmed holiday less than 60 days before departure unless we are forced to do so as a result of unusual and unforeseeable conditions beyond our control, the consequences of which we could not have avoided even with all due care. If we cancel your holiday (except where you have failed to make payment or as a result of force majeure) we shall offer you the choice of purchasing an alternative holiday from us of a similar standard to that originally booked if available. If the chosen alternative is less expensive than your original holiday we shall refund the difference but if it is more expensive, we shall ask you to pay the difference. Alternatively you are entitled to a full refund of all monies you have paid to us save that paid for gorilla permits which can only be refunded if the refund has been made available to us. Except where we cancel for reasons other than those mentioned in this section, we shall have no additional charge to you. We are sorry we cannot pay any expenses and losses incurred as a result of any cancellation.

Please note that cancellation fees are based on the date your written notification is received at Explore Rwanda Tours.

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